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Thread: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

  1. #1
    DX User JdmCA9's Avatar
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    Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    So i have a rebuilt bottom end and recently got valve stem seals replaced at honda stealership. Now im getting what i beleive is blow by because my breather filter has crazy loud strong suction and im getting oil in my cumbustion chamber which my car smokes out the traffic jam. Also i strictly use 93 supreme only but i get pinging on partial throttle like an older tread i read. Also where is our pcv valve or pcv system and what is wrong wit my A20A3?

  2. #2

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging never had the head off yet?
    The pvc valve is above the black box that bolts to the block and under neath the intake manifold.
    I hate to say anything negative but it sounds like a burnt piston or broke ring.
    Last edited by 2oodoor; 04-09-2013 at 03:20 AM.

  3. #3

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    I'd start by checking out the PCV system first. They get old, tired, gunky and pretty much just fall apart. If you're getting excessive blowby, there's really only one fix for that, unfortunately, but make sure the PCV system is working optimally before going down that road.

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  4. #4
    DX User JdmCA9's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    Oh god, a brand new stress to add to the list.ok thanks for the info illcheck out the pvc first like you said.

  5. #5
    DX User JdmCA9's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    Ok guys guess what. So i pulled the pcv hose off the intake manifold and left it off how ever Akina started idling crazy high so i ran a 3/8 hose from the intake mani where pcv was connected n getting suction from i ran a hose from the to the cold air intake and her idle dropped back to normal like a baby idling. Then i drove around all day and Akina did not smoke. I cant beleive this. And a comprssn test revealed and cylinders above 160. Is this good?

  6. #6
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    so you disconnected your pcv? are you sure the valve just isnt clogged? when you took the hose off the pcv and left it open, you created a huge vacuum leak at the intake manifold, thats why it idled so high, I bet they assembled something wrong, the system is simple, there is a hose from a breather at the oil pan, it goes to the black box attached to the rear of the engine, this box is simply an oil separator, it's an empty metal box with a baffle inside. it also has a port into the oil draining back to the pan from the head, it's not visible, because it's stuck into the block, at the top of this box is the hose attached to the pcv valve, then a hose from the pcv valve to the intake manifold. How it works when the pcv is operating, air is pulled into the engine at the breather on the valve cover, it circulates down to the pan, picking up water vapor and blowby gasses in the process, it's picked up at the oil pan vent, and pulled through the oil separator box,where excess oil condenses out, and goes back to the pan, the rest of it is pulled through the pcv valve, and into the intake where it gets burned. It's really important to make sure it works right, as this keeps your oil clean, and stops sludge.

  7. #7
    DX User JdmCA9's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    Youre right they were the last ones to touch Akina and probably did put it backwards or something.but if i put it back its going to suck up oil again.what do you suggest?

  8. #8
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    how high is your oil level? it cant suck up oil, the oil pan pickup is at the top edge of the oil pan, the oil separator keeps oil from leaving the pan as a vapor, now if they somehow put the valve in backwards or it's plugged crank case pressure will build up, and can cause blowby and a bunch of other issues,

  9. #9

    Dr_Snooz's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    I'm not sure what the history of this car is, but if the PCV system is full of gunk and crud from the old engine, then it can cause the issues you noted in your first post. I would pull it all apart and clean it. Be prepared to buy some new parts when you do because the PCV systems on these tend to fall apart when disturbed. Might not be a bad idea to replace the PCV valve itself either.

    "I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff." - Beavis

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  10. #10
    DX User JdmCA9's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    Every since i got it back from honda and it started doin this ive been fill the oil halfway because the closer ill fill to max line the more it would smoke and foul out my ngk iridiums. And i was puting a quart in everyday thats how fast it was burnin off and there was no spots on driveway

  11. #11

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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    Quote Originally Posted by JdmCA9 View Post
    Every since i got it back from honda and it started doin this ive been fill the oil halfway because the closer ill fill to max line the more it would smoke and foul out my ngk iridiums. And i was puting a quart in everyday thats how fast it was burnin off and there was no spots on driveway
    Sounds like bad ring seal if the bottom has been redone. That is a lot of oil to be using.
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  12. #12
    DX User JdmCA9's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    When i worked at advance auto parts i bought a bunch stuff stuff for Akina just to have it and the catalog system told us that theres no such thing as a pcv valve system for our CA. How can i get this?

  13. #13
    3Geez Veteran lostforawhile's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    for one thing its advance auto, that explains the first, i almost could swear they somehow put the valve in backwards, these cars will suck oil up the pcv system and burn it like a mofo if the oil level is too high, drain the oil, and put in exactly how much is supposed to be in, accounting for a little in the filter too, npw look at the dip stick and see what it reads

  14. #14
    DX User JdmCA9's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    I did that on thursday after i disconnected the pcv hose from the mani and discovered that it stopped burning oil and stopped smoking all together.i just couldnt beleive this if you guys wouldnt have told me where the pcv hose was i would have parked Akina for another couple years intil i could afford to get the bottom end rebuilt again when i took it back to honda so they could see what they did wrong they tried to say my pistons and rings were fried i argued with them that i had paperwork showing it was just rebuilt about 8 months ago.

  15. #15
    DX User JdmCA9's Avatar
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    Re: Blow by,Misfire,pinging

    Though the work they did to Akina just a week before was under 6 month warranty Brandon honda did not want to help they tried to sell me a reman a20 for $1600 before installation.Now i have oil filled to the max line and it will not smoke or burn off. Only issue is i think a injector is failing

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