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Thread: 87 LXi Hatch Shaved Molding & Repaint

  1. #51
    LX User 89HatchbackLxi's Avatar
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    1989 Accord Lxi Hatchback
    Antelope Valley, CA

    Re: 87 LXi Hatch Shaved Molding & Repaint

    Nice Job! Looks good. Almost kinda has a CRX look to it after the trim is shaved off.

  2. #52
    LX User niles's Avatar
    Join Date
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    87 LXi Hatch
    Gifford Pinchot National Forest

    Re: 87 LXi Hatch Shaved Molding & Repaint

    *Paint Update*

    Hey Geezers! Been a long while since I shared some love on the forums. The car has been good, just a daily driver and not really doing much on it. I since moved from the Portland area to the Columbia River gorge where I have a shop that I can do better work in than a driveway.

    Wanted to throw out an update since I am back to being proud of the appearance of my ride. Truth be told, the plastidip failed miserably after about a year. Never do plastidip, even getting gas becomes tricky because it works like a solvent if it drips on the plastidip. Basically the dip became glued onto the car and had to be melted off with solvents to remove it. Huge PITA.

    So next I decided to do a urethane paint job, about 7 years ago now. It was my first paint job and I did it on the cheap with cheap Harbor Freight equipment. I was even too embarrassed to post an update about it here. The only legit thing I used was the paint from Eastwood. I made many errors and ended up doing a second coat of metallic flakes in a stripe along the body to hide the worst mistakes; sags, drips, you name it. It felt like driving a clown car, but hey; at least it was unique!

    Here is the intermediate paint job, had it on for the last 7 years.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    The worst part, that paint was way too thick and I didn't properly prep the surfaces, so after 7 years of PNW winters and other things like snow falling off the roof onto the car pretty much destroying the bodywork on the passenger side, and getting hit by a deer, the paint was flaking off in massive sheets.

    This year I decided to do the Honda proper and did a new paint job. Slightly better equipment, and a better head on my shoulders. Still made a few amateur mistakes, but did way better than last time. Lemme know what you think.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	11313
    Last edited by niles; 06-18-2024 at 01:15 PM.

  3. #53
    DX User Jacques's Avatar
    Join Date
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    1989 Honda Accord Lxi Coupe
    Bend, OR

    Re: 87 LXi Hatch Shaved Molding & Repaint

    Awesome Niles!

  4. #54

    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    88 LXi
    Knoxville TN

    Re: 87 LXi Hatch Shaved Molding & Repaint

    Hey man thats is quite the color. Welcome back!
    1988 Lxi owner since August 1995
    336k miles running strong!
    Now running E85.

    Oldblueaccord <<< MY YOUTUBE PAGE!

  5. #55
    LX User Fixedit's Avatar
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    1986 LXi Sedan - 1972 F250 C/S - 1987 DX Hatch - 1977 Skylark S/R (Sold) - 2001 Hyundai Accent GS (Sold) - 1981 Suzuki GS450 (Sold)

    Re: 87 LXi Hatch Shaved Molding & Repaint

    You redeemed yourself! Man that color is muah chef’s kiss. Really cool to see you post here again

  6. #56
    LX User niles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    87 LXi Hatch
    Gifford Pinchot National Forest

    Re: 87 LXi Hatch Shaved Molding & Repaint

    Thanks gang! Man, I love this car. So glad it looks as good as I feel about it

    Had a few other cars through the years but nothing that brings the satisfaction of cruising in the old Accord.

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