Yes I have a Prelude. I already told some of you guys but heres some background story: My uncle offered me a free car months back and me being me, I said yes without knowing wtf the car was and little did I know its a friggen 2g Prelude - something I always wanted for years! Fast forward a few months he had it delivered to me and actually paid for the tow and stuff (thank you sir) so I ended up with a totally free car! The catch is the motor is blown. And its an automatic. But hey its free?!
He gave the car to this guy years back and they drove it till it died and he had the car checked by a mechanic and they said theres water in the engine oil. Not sure how it got there in the first place, probably driven through flood or maybe blown headgasket since they said it ran rough before it died? He didn't want to fix it and ended up with the car in the storage for years before he offered me it since he knew I love old Hondas so much
I'll get more pics and I'll see whats up with the engine tomorrow. I'm gonna get a mechanic friend of mine to help since I'm basically clueless with building a motor LOL.
Enough talking, PICS TIME!
Yes I promised a bunch of pics from 342432 different angles so yeah excuse the amount of pics. Wait till I get to tear the car down LOL