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Thread: 1980 Accord Koni?

  1. #1
    DX User
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    1980 Accord Koni?

    What's going on guys. I've read that people have been running adjustable Koni struts in there 1st Gen accords. I haven't found much searching. Anyone got part numbers?? Thanks Guys. Or URL for the struts would work

  2. #2
    LXi User 79cord's Avatar
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    Re: 1980 Accord Koni?

    I think a few of us spotted the NOS koni shock absorber inserts upon the website, which can be installed into your original strut housings once they are cut open.
    2ndgen guy did this write-up for his 2nd gen:
    These are adjustable before they are installed, but not easily externally adjustable like their newer designs, though possibly could be rebuilt for that...
    Though I've yet to fit those I bought.

  3. #3

    2ndGenGuy's Avatar
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    1981 Accord Hatchback, 1984 Accord Sedan
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    Re: 1980 Accord Koni?

    Yup I woudln't expect to drop them in though and have it handle like a sports car. Being that they are nearly 30 year old NOS shocks, they may not even be any good when you get them.

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