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Thread: 1982-1983 Accord Heater Valve onto 1979 Accord Heater Core/Box Retrofit

  1. #1
    LX User PDXAccord79's Avatar
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    1982-1983 Accord Heater Valve onto 1979 Accord Heater Core/Box Retrofit

    Hello everyone,

    So my heater core and valve started leaking recently and I had to replace it. Unfortunately I couldn't find a new 79-81 valve so I replaced it with an 82-83 valve. I didn't get pictures of all steps so read this start to finish before you do anything if you do it. I've had 0 leaks so far. Here's the process:

    Cut the bottom pipe down to make room for the valve

    Remove the old valve from the bracket and notch the bracket for extra clearance as shown

    Your stuff should now look like this

    Which allows the valve to slide right in

    The 82-83 valve should have almost all of it's bracket removed. Leave a ring so you can JB Weld it to the old bracket

  2. #2
    LX User PDXAccord79's Avatar
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    Re: 1982-1983 Accord Heater Valve onto 1979 Accord Heater Core/Box Retrofit

    JB Weld the valve to the old bracket

    Dry install the valve and check to make sure that the valve opens and closes all the way as the flap moves. Note that I also had to remove the left side of the adjustable bracket so the screw could be set far enough out for full travel. Click for super high res so you can fully see what's going on

    Put some new hoses and clamps on and it's ready to party. Click for super high res

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    LXi User 79cord's Avatar
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    Re: 1982-1983 Accord Heater Valve onto 1979 Accord Heater Core/Box Retrofit

    Great work!

  4. #4
    LX User PDXAccord79's Avatar
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    Re: 1982-1983 Accord Heater Valve onto 1979 Accord Heater Core/Box Retrofit

    Thanks! The 82-83 valve is really easy to find on ebay and I think this is a good solution if your valve is all blue and nasty.

  5. #5
    LX User 1GCustomAccord's Avatar
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    Re: 1982-1983 Accord Heater Valve onto 1979 Accord Heater Core/Box Retrofit

    I have an stock of those NOS valves...

    Good job btw!
    So many reasons why
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    From Paraguay

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