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Thread: JDM Duckbill Replica's

  1. #76
    3Geez Veteran MessyHonda's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    i have seen pics and they look amazing. Im waiting to get my paws on it.

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i
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  2. #77
    SEi User gp02a0083's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Quote Originally Posted by MessyHonda View Post
    i went to Blox but i didnt talk to the ten by ten guys since Richard is talking to them.
    you should have as a concerned customer, comments seem to lack any level of professionalism

    Quote Originally Posted by MessyHonda View Post
    i have seen pics and they look amazing. Im waiting to get my paws on it.
    idk, absence of bodywork to the spoiler being it appears raw can easily produce plenty of defects, the OEM duckbills can be distorted easily.

    I would also suggest that anyone buying these, to ask questions about this "product" and "materials".

    Eventually it require a top coat/varnish/ polyurethane to help with UV degradation as indicated by WEST SYSTEMS when using their material.

    1989 Accord Lx-i hatchback (current DD project)
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  3. #78
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Well they finally got back to me. Today and here's what they have to say. Once again I'm sorry if you feel like I miss lead you guy but you can see here they are owning up for the untimely results. Will try my best to get any and all information. If you like my to FB live thing's so you can ask whatever questions at that time would be willing to do so.

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    Last edited by obd0driver; 10-16-2016 at 03:01 PM.

  4. #79
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    So I talk the owner its now a one man show because his business partner has step away. The he says he apologized for how long this has taken and what everyone to know that he just wants then to be perfect and the he is sorry that what has happened has effected these getting done in a timely manner. He it still decided to finishing and keeping them to highest quality possible. He did not give me a time line but i will continue to hit him up a couple of times a week from here on out.

    With that said everything you are seeing is just prototypes/ test so the are really really unfinished. Non expoy or uv coating. He is also trying a couple different ways to bolt/mount then to the trunk as well. They will have a uv coating once things get to that. I forgot the name of the product he said he was using i think something chrome idk. But like most cf products you will have to maintain the coating with your choice of product and reduced long term sun exposure. He said he has been looking in to using a uv expoy to help with this as well.

    Their is a bite of reworking need to be done to the mold because of imperfections that showed when they made these two.

    It is two pieces. Top which is the shape and the bottom which it where the mounting hardware will be.They are held together with a black expoy so it blends and looks clean.

    There's so much stuff that he was telling me so I think I covered most of your questions for now.

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    Last edited by obd0driver; 10-14-2016 at 10:24 PM.

  5. #80
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

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  6. #81
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

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  7. #82
    2.0Si User Hazwan's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Damn thats sick!

    1986 Honda Prelude build thread
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  8. #83
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    These two will not be sold either. Just working on the best fitment.

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  9. #84
    SEi User gp02a0083's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Quote Originally Posted by obd0driver View Post
    So I talk the owner its now a one man show because his business partner has step away. The he says he apologized for how long this has taken and what everyone to know that he just wants then to be perfect and the he is sorry that what has happened has effected these getting done in a timely manner. He it still decided to finishing and keeping them to highest quality possible. He did not give me a time line but i will continue to hit him up a couple of times a week from here on out.

    With that said everything you are seeing is just prototypes/ test so the are really really unfinished. Non expoy or uv coating. He is also trying a couple different ways to bolt/mount then to the trunk as well. They will have a uv coating once things get to that. I forgot the name of the product he said he was using i think something chrome idk. But like most cf products you will have to maintain the coating with your choice of product and reduced long term sun exposure. He said he has been looking in to using a uv expoy to help with this as well.

    Their is a bite of reworking need to be done to the mold because of imperfections that showed when they made these two.

    It is two pieces. Top which is the shape and the bottom which it where the mounting hardware will be.They are held together with a black expoy so it blends and looks clean.

    There's so much stuff that he was telling me so I think I covered most of your questions for now.

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    So the last correspondence with this individual that was posted is deleted now? chicken coupes and all

    Even with partnership setbacks , it would have been wise to maintain professionalism from the get go and settle on a specific finalized date for this project, so that individuals who bought in wouldn't have been sitting for a year or two just to see a "prototype" of a spoiler and primed parts..... let alone discussion about the trunklid.

    In regards to the timeline issues, i am EXTREMELY THANKFUL THAT I DID NOT HAND OVER MY JDM SPOILER OR MY COUPE VISORS otherwise i most likely would not have seen them or any compensation for "lost" items.

    it is intriguing that any information regarding materials used to fabricate these have gone for the most part unaddressed and misunderstood. Yet to have any information on the type of weave and weight of the CF fabric being used.

    As far as the epoxied comment, The items illustrated ARE EPOXIED, as far as this board may/may not know the resin being used is WEST 105 EPOXY with WEST 207 catalyst / hardener. As mentioned in my previous post , WEST systems highly suggests using a UV filter or top coat in order to prevent photoxidation from occurring that affects the cross-linking and chain scission of the polymer ( aka Matrix corrosion) . Essentially, photolysis leading into auto-oxidation then embrittlement of the EPOXY. Adding things like benzoyl peroxide or 1-amine/ tertiary amines help unless you don't know some epoxy chemistry. I will gladly educate anyone on the decomposition mechanism(s) of said materials.

    Some of the information said above should have been provided to individuals who bought into this.
    Last edited by gp02a0083; 10-20-2016 at 10:35 AM. Reason: spelling

    1989 Accord Lx-i hatchback (current DD project)
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  10. #85
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    ^^^ teach me via pm's.

    But I'm also glad still I spent my money to help make a much desired item for our cars possible. If you are willing to spend the time & money to make a small batch of proper item's in question I'm okay with having two of them

    Quote Originally Posted by CAH View Post
    pullin up turbo spoolin fast lookin fly like a 3g like a 3g like a 3g

  11. #86

    2oodoor's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    This "vendor" in Cali either doesn't seem to be working on this stuff Im assuming they've been paid up front? It appears like some dude just doing it on the side and procrastinating like people do when you tolerate it. Richard how about stop being his buddy and represent the investors.

    There won't be anymore deleting future posts or images by the GB host in this thread., be advised. It's not fair to those invested and n this to not have a history on the board of exactly what occured in the timeline...yea in case something else happens and no parts ever make it to them.

    I gladly and sincerely feel the same way tdurr, I realized the risk of loss on my own behalf and primarily wanted to support the community in this piece materializing for all.
    Last edited by 2oodoor; 10-27-2016 at 01:44 PM.

  12. #87

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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Bump for what's up

  13. #88
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Sorry for taking down the texts. I was asked to remove the for whatever reason so I removed them. I apologize for that I wouldn't have removed them I tought it was gonna be a big deal. Like i said if i had known this was gonna to end up this way I would have never ask anyone to get involved. I seen a opinion to have items made that no body was will to do. I had seen the work in person as well as other members here and they came recommend from many tuner shope in northern California. Unfortunately they are not living up to the hype and for that I'm sorry.

    But here is the latest. Will text again today.

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  14. #89
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Also in the text that I was asked to take down he said this and will stand by it.

    "It has been far too long. I have just had far too much going on at work, my personal life, and Ten By Ten. I understand people being anxious and I'll refund anyone who cannot wait. We can talk more and you can check everything out Friday."

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  15. #90

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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Wow thats light, that should be kind to the decklid torsion spring and the top of my head
    Thanks for updating

  16. #91
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Soo did you talk to him Friday?

    Quote Originally Posted by CAH View Post
    pullin up turbo spoolin fast lookin fly like a 3g like a 3g like a 3g

  17. #92
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Nope but he text me about 20 mins ago. I'm head to Las Vegas for sema tomorrow and I'm back Saturday after noon. I'll see if I can make it out there over the up coming weekend when I get back. But here is the latest

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  18. #93
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Just txt him asap. I want.

    Quote Originally Posted by CAH View Post
    pullin up turbo spoolin fast lookin fly like a 3g like a 3g like a 3g

  19. #94
    3Geez Veteran MessyHonda's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    damn that will be light. I will have to dynamat my trunklid.

    1989 Honda Accord LX-i
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  20. #95
    SEi User gp02a0083's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Quote Originally Posted by 2oodoor View Post
    I gladly and sincerely feel the same way tdurr, I realized the risk of loss on my own behalf and primarily wanted to support the community in this piece materializing for all.
    Supporting the community is nice and all but should not be at a "risk of loss" terms. Seen this happen even back in 03'/04'. Reasons why I did not provide my spoiler and/or my coupe visors, in addition i did not find it acceptable that i was asked indirectly.

    Quote Originally Posted by obd0driver View Post

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    Real "professionalism". When your looking out for our small community's best interest being that we have had individuals pull this kind of bullshit in the past, only to be fed excuses for the last year or so with with little to no information, i'd hardly call that hating. I will stand by what i said earlier: "Even with partnership setbacks , it would have been wise to maintain professionalism from the get go and settle on a specific finalized date for this project, so that individuals who bought in wouldn't have been sitting for a year or two just to see a "prototype" of a spoiler and primed parts..... let alone discussion about the trunklid."

    Anyways for the detailed oriented, I did mention of wet and dry earlier, with the distinction dry carbon for being the more superior method netting a proper light weight and structural item due to the uniformity and loading of the pre-preg resin when compared to a wet layup method that typically consists of a few layers, each layer containing a wet-out amount of resin. I would assume its a wet based on this individual using WEST 105 resin with the 207 hardener utilizing the nice little pipette type dispensers to mix this up volumetrically rather than utilize a gravametric amount that would give the resin a little more strength. Its nice an all to state what the weight is in a prototyped state uninstalled, rather than illustrate it when finalized.

    Also for clarification, exothermic is NOT A COMPONENT , its a byproduct of the cross-linking polymerization reaction of the epoxy ring groups with the hardener ( typically amine groups) in a two part system. The dry carbon is impregnated with a thermoset component (aka one part), hence the requirement of an autoclave in order to properly control the temperature ramp up/down and dwell cycles. This provides a better end product than using a common 2 part system where uncontrolled exotherm can be an issue causing the resin to be brittle. I'd go into modulus, tensile strength, thermal expansion, and other characteristics, but it may be beyond the scope of this discussion.

    Finally, I do not appreciate being contacted via facebook and/or messenger by Richard. Banning other members, threatening to ban myself, and deleting comments on Facebook when individuals are providing information and insight that appears to be conveniently absent or modified is a great way to serve the community and its members? I do not find providing thoughtful cognitive information as being " Extremely disruption to the group".

    1989 Accord Lx-i hatchback (current DD project)
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  21. #96
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Update still waiting on those photos.

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  22. #97
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Send me his number bruhhhh

    Quote Originally Posted by CAH View Post
    pullin up turbo spoolin fast lookin fly like a 3g like a 3g like a 3g

  23. #98
    SEi User gp02a0083's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Quote Originally Posted by Tdurr View Post
    Send me his number bruhhhh
    not hard finding it lol

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  24. #99
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Here's your update I do have plans to go out there if I don't get off work too late tonight

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  25. #100
    SEi User obd0driver's Avatar
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    Re: JDM Duckbill Replica's

    Here's a bit of what he let me video last night. He's not really a fan of being on the part Internet and asked not to film to much of the process.

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    Last edited by obd0driver; 11-16-2016 at 05:12 PM.

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