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Thread: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

  1. #1
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Believe it or not...I just had an H22A swapped into my 89 Accord Se-i sedan. I just got the car back last month and she's runnin' like a dream, but I ain't dreamin', and I still can't beleive it!. I called about 7 different shops before I could get someone to tackle this project; I had guys telling me they could do the swap in 2 days just to get me into their shop, but they were all talkin' ish. Joe from Altech performance in Toronto, Canada handled the swap for me from start to finish; Joe has swapped H22's into CRXs, Civics, and newer Accords, but never before into a 3rd gen..until now! He started the project last December and it took about 4 months to complete because he was waiting on parts, namely the wiring harness and the cable/hydraulic clutch conversion which delayed the swap for the longest time (the clutch conversion was done by a guy out of Montreal who had tons of other shit on the go at the time). Custom brackets were fabricated for the swap to accommodate the 92-95 Civic H22 mounts from Avid performance. According to Joe, lining this baby up was the hardest part of the conversion, but apparently there is plenty of room. The only spacing problem encountered was the downpipe passing the front cross member. The cross member was cut in half to make room for the downpipe and then completely reinforced. As far as axles go, the left drive shaft used was the original off the 3rd gen Accord, but the right one was custom made to fit. Voila!!! H22 3rd Gen Accord Se-iv!!! The existence of this rare swap is no longer a myth. Driving my dream has finally become reality. Props go out to Joe "The Magician" from Altech Performance. Joe, YOU ROCK, BABY!!!!! Gonna get some pics for you guys soon.

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  2. #2

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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Let her roll baby


  3. #3

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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Quote Originally Posted by H22AccordSE-IV
    Believe it or not...I just had an H22A swapped into my 89 Accord Se-i sedan. I just got the car back last month and she's runnin' like a dream, but I ain't dreamin', and I still can't beleive it!. I called about 7 different shops before I could get someone to tackle this project; I had guys telling me they could do the swap in 2 days just to get me into their shop, but they were all talkin' ish. Joe from Altech performance in Toronto, Canada handled the swap for me from start to finish; Joe has swapped H22's into CRXs, Civics, and newer Accords, but never before into a 3rd gen..until now! He started the project last December and it took about 4 months to complete because he was waiting on parts, namely the wiring harness and the cable/hydraulic clutch conversion which delayed the swap for the longest time (the clutch conversion was done by a guy out of Montreal who had tons of other shit on the go at the time). Custom brackets were fabricated for the swap to accommodate the 92-95 Civic H22 mounts from Avid performance. According to Joe, lining this baby up was the hardest part of the conversion, but apparently there is plenty of room. The only spacing problem encountered was the downpipe passing the front cross member. The cross member was cut in half to make room for the downpipe and then completely reinforced. As far as axles go, the left drive shaft used was the original off the 3rd gen Accord, but the right one was custom made to fit. Voila!!! H22 3rd Gen Accord Se-iv!!! The existence of this rare swap is no longer a myth. Driving my dream has finally become reality. Props go out to Joe "The Magician" from Altech Performance. Joe, YOU ROCK, BABY!!!!! Gonna get some pics for you guys soon.
    Non-Believers...Eat My Dust!!!
    Last edited by forrest89sei; 06-09-2007 at 08:19 PM.

  4. #4
    LX User jonrichert's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    wicked man, can't wait to see it!

  5. #5
    SEi User B16KILLA's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Quote Originally Posted by H22AccordSE-IV
    Believe it or not...I just had an H22A swapped into my 89 Accord Se-i sedan. I just got the car back last month and she's runnin' like a dream, but I ain't dreamin', and I still can't beleive it!. I called about 7 different shops before I could get someone to tackle this project; I had guys telling me they could do the swap in 2 days just to get me into their shop, but they were all talkin' ish. Joe from Altech performance in Toronto, Canada handled the swap for me from start to finish; Joe has swapped H22's into CRXs, Civics, and newer Accords, but never before into a 3rd gen..until now! He started the project last December and it took about 4 months to complete because he was waiting on parts, namely the wiring harness and the cable/hydraulic clutch conversion which delayed the swap for the longest time (the clutch conversion was done by a guy out of Montreal who had tons of other shit on the go at the time). Custom brackets were fabricated for the swap to accommodate the 92-95 Civic H22 mounts from Avid performance. According to Joe, lining this baby up was the hardest part of the conversion, but apparently there is plenty of room. The only spacing problem encountered was the downpipe passing the front cross member. The cross member was cut in half to make room for the downpipe and then completely reinforced. As far as axles go, the left drive shaft used was the original off the 3rd gen Accord, but the right one was custom made to fit. Voila!!! H22 3rd Gen Accord Se-iv!!! The existence of this rare swap is no longer a myth. Driving my dream has finally become reality. Props go out to Joe "The Magician" from Altech Performance. Joe, YOU ROCK, BABY!!!!! Gonna get some pics for you guys soon.
    Non-Believers...Eat My Dust!!!
    Alright as soon as you post some pix I'll begin to believe you.

  6. #6

    Cheeseburger's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Quote Originally Posted by A20A1
    I know. thats why I didn't finish the sentance and left out lude in the title

    i got all wet!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks allot a20a1

  7. #7
    2.0Si User speedpenguin's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    I'm actually going to believe you, simply because unlike everyone else who claims to have done it, you actually seem to know what you're talking about
    But yea, pics now please!!

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  8. #8
    3Geez Veteran gfrg88's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    WE NEED PICS!!!!!!1!!!!!!11one.......
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  9. #9

    snoopyloopy's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    call me old-fashioned, but pix of the car, with the h22 in it would really help us a lot. if the car is running in them, even better.

  10. #10
    3Geez Veteran gfrg88's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    fuk the pix. get some vids on here of it running
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  11. #11
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    H22AccordSE-IV, when you say custom made passengers side axle, does that mean custom made from scratch, or an axle made up from 2 different axles?
    When can we expect to see pics?

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  12. #12
    3Geez Veteran AccordEpicenter's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    hmm from toronto eh? We need to meet somewhere and race. Stock Turbo A20 Vs H22a nignogs. Thatll see whats what. Seriously
    429whp 362wtq A20 TURBO. A20T>*

  13. #13
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Quote Originally Posted by B16KILLA
    Alright as soon as you post some pix I'll begin to believe you.
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  14. #14
    SEi User B16KILLA's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Quote Originally Posted by AccordEpicenter
    hmm from toronto eh? We need to meet somewhere and race. Stock Turbo A20 Vs H22a nignogs. Thatll see whats what. Seriously
    I think that the a20 will own the h22 seeing as it's all dialed in, and how I like to go for the underdog.

  15. #15
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    I'll get pics a.s.a.p. Til' then I'll post some pics of my stock Se-i 2 years ago. Had it since 02. Now I gotta figure out how to post the pics.

  16. #16
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Here are pics of my stock Se-i before the fender bender last year. I slid into the back of a delivery truck in the rain and crunched the fender, hood and right HL assembly (pissed!). The next step in my Se-i project is to restore the car: new fenders; CF hood; new trunk; new front and rear bumpers and re-bar (I just custom fit a 94-97 Accord touring lip from Stillen on a new bumber that's taking up half the floor in my room); new window and door mouldings all around; new rad support; custom flush HL conversion. I also managed to mount 2 Hella 90mm low-beam projectors w/h9 bulbs to the original brackets for the pop-ups. Figured might as well, since the right side was wrecked and I wanted to try something diff. I Still have to mount the high-beams on a custom bracket. I'm throwing in some pics of the headlight conversion in progress, along with some PS versions of it completed (the blue-green accord was not harmed in the process). You guys tell me which one you think looks the best.

    Shit...that didn't work...I'll try again.

    Hope these work!

    Sorry about the size. Here are the others...I hope!
    Last edited by HostileJava; 04-14-2006 at 05:27 AM.

  17. #17

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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Use the edit button in the bottom right corner of your posts. Do not make multiple posts one right after the other.

  18. #18
    3Geez Veteran smufguy's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    yo H22Accord. You got more closeup pictures of that so called headlight conversion?

  19. #19
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    I'm having trouble with a couple pics. Sorry, guys. I'm gonna try to get my buddy's digital camera today so I can take some nice pics for y'all.

    Hey, Great Dane, I beleive that axle was a Prelude axle that was "custom cut". The first one the shop installed was cut too short, so they had to get a new one and shorten it again to fit.

    Accord Epicenter, I'm down, man. I don't doubt for a second that you'd beat me though. The way you're talkin' and that killer setup you got seems like it ain't no joke. Curious - You not a big fan of swaps, or are you just really proud of the fact that you're running the original motor? Don't get me wrong; nuff props for staying with the A20. Personally, I just wanted a bigger platform to start with; H22 was my goal from the beginning, and I still think this motor and the swap itself is awesome to say the least. Get this...right before my H22 went in, my swap man actually tried to convince me to go with a bottom up built A20A. He told me that the motor had been sitting on the shelf for 2 years and that some guy with a coupe dumped 8 G's (that's right, $8,000!) into the motor itself; the guy got into a bad banger that wrote off his car, so he kept the motor and stored it 'til now. My man said it would cost me about the same price to replace the original motor with the built A20 as it would to do the custom H22 swap. In my opinion, at some point in contemplating the swap, I think he finally realized the potential problems (eg. wiring harness, fitment, positioning) he would be facing when he took on a swap of this magnitude, especially since he had never attempted it before. After all, this is the swap you only read about in fairy tales.
    I better invest in some fu*kin' slicks!

    Last edited by H22AccordSE-IV; 04-14-2006 at 07:38 AM.

  20. #20
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Thanks, Java.

    Smuf, I need to get some shots with my boy's digi and I'll post 'em a.s.a.p. You do realize that blue-green Accord is Photoshopped, right? I mentioned that in my earlier post. That's one of my concepts for the finished product; I couldn't get the other two pics up, but one concept is with the covers replaced by a moulded clear lexan sheet, and the other has the covers cut horizontally, straight across, flush with the top of the grill and the side marker - if that helps.

  21. #21
    3Geez Veteran smufguy's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    yeah i can see its photoshopped right outta the bat. I just want to know if the final product is as close or simliar and just wanna see how you used the empty basket to help adjust the beam dispersion.

  22. #22
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Smuf, the light is self contained, so the beam is dispersed from the chromed reflector/lip around the projector inside the lens. Here's a pic of the lights themselves and installed on a Miata. I've got 2 brackets bent but I still need to cut them and drill out holes to mount the high and low beams. The original brackets for the retractable headlight assembly are too abstract in shape to mount both lights on. I only managed to mount the low beams on the fender sides of the brackets because that was the only area flat enough to accommodate the positioning of the 3 adjustable mounting screws on the Hella modules. However, this is only a temporary setup so I can drive at night. My right retractor and fender were crunched in an accident and the rad support was bent (I've still got to replace it before I complete the headlight conversion). I've cut one of the covers for the slanted eye-lid, like in the picture, but I haven't decided on how I'm going to mount it yet. Obviously it's still a work in progress...
    Last edited by H22AccordSE-IV; 04-14-2006 at 12:55 PM.

  23. #23
    DX User H22AccordSE-IV's Avatar
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    JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    See general forum "Turbo H22 3rd Gen" thread.
    Last edited by H22AccordSE-IV; 04-14-2006 at 11:35 AM.

  24. #24
    SEi User B16KILLA's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Re: Turbo H22 3rd gen...

    Ok....... still no pics of the h22 in your 3g, the thread that you started that directed me to here said something like "Complete and Running". You got me all excited
    Last edited by B16KILLA; 04-14-2006 at 12:07 PM.

  25. #25
    SEi User B16KILLA's Avatar
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    Re: JDM H22A 89 Accord Se-i Sedan Swap Completed & Running!

    Wheres the pix?

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